After taking everything down due to a leak problem, I have returned my collection of blue glass bottles to my windowsill. This picture, alas, is not them. Obviously, glass looks great with light coming through it. But my glass collection is not of this quality. And I have a fine view. I'm pondering...
(My window frames, alas, don't look like this either.)
from Virginia MacDonald
glass on the sill serves double duty as a security device. In college I nannied for a single mother who kept glass bottles filled with marbles on all of her window sills, figuring she would hear the bottles and marbles hit the floors if anyone ever tried to break in, plus it may scare off her intruders.
a bit morbid, perhaps, but it was in Albuquerque, where everyone gets robbed at least once.
Ha! Makes sense!
Of course I live in a fifth floor apartment, and any robbers wouldn't be coming in through the windows. So I'll have to stick with purely aesthetic concerns!
Why not post a picture of your window with the blue bottles?
That is a beautiful collection. I have a terrible glass fetish, but my ceramic addiction is much more serious.
The glass bottles are lovely...but it's that window that really makes me swoon, I want a home full of just that kind of divided, whatyoucallit?, paned-window, *sigh*.
So where are your collections then? This photo is inspiring, though. We have a collection of recycled drinking glasses in our home, too. But they're kept in a cupboard for a while since we're doing a little renovation in the living room and kitchen. I'm thinking of re-arranging 'em. That windowsill idea is great!
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