Monday, April 11, 2011

The dream

I know I say this a lot, but this is truly one of my favorite homes of all time. I previously blogged about it here, and recently bought an Elle Decor UK in which it was featured. Basically, I love everything. (Above photo shows picturesque location in Tribeca.)

Home of architect Diana Kellogg, from Remodelista


Anonymous said...

Loving your blog, your choices, your style. This house is also my dream. A lots of inspiration for my rental. Greetings from Spain.

erin@designcrisis said...

Maybe we could go halfsies?

bomm said...

Peaceful, livable and lived in, and totally beautiful. Ditto anon 8:28.

Elle said...

Interesting thougghts

Arthur K said...

I am also very fond of this home.