Thursday, August 13, 2009

Make your own art

After seeing this article on the home of writer Douglas Coupland, I did have wonder about the source of his income (yes, he coined the term "Generation X," but how many books has he sold?). Of course, he lives with a partner, so who knows. He's credited with this home's decorating flair, and I have to admire this bit of homemade art: a collection of fabric spools inspired by Damian Hirst. Of course, it helps to have a gallery presentation — a totally white room, right down to the Eames La Chaise.

slideshow at the New York Times

1 comment:

evencleveland said...

I always wonder where the money comes from ... the second house he bought was over a million dollars according to the article, and he bought just to keep away philistines.

Must be nice!

(I do like this idea though. I love spools of things.)