Sunday, August 23, 2009


Please try to ignore the painting of the giant boob (which had Lincoln's face superimposed on it before I, um, cropped it) and focus on the found-letter art. I suspect this is a pricy artwork (Jack Pierson, maybe?) but it definitely looks like something that could be recreated on one's own. I previously posted a home filled with collected "Ns." I love old signs and have to admit I'm a sucker for this look, even as it has been mass-marketed by Pottery Barn or Anthropologie.

But, like I said, I think this "gone" is pricy art, just because the same people have a William Eggleston just propped up in a corner of their kitchen. I like their pottery collection, but that kind of offends me.

from Bruno Suet (for painting in all its glory), via Head Over Heels


nelya said...

I'm a sucker for this kind of thing as well. I'm glad you posted the "gone" in its entirety. I thought it was rather fabulous, but the ginormous boob was too distracting.

{p.s.-thanks for the link love}

Ben said...

kind of a brash eggleston too, if you ask me.